Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's magical

So this is my first post from my iPad. When jobs unveiled it I was Pretty skeptical. So much so I really didn't want one. But as I saw innovation from the devs specifically the flipboard and netflix I wanted to try it. So I bought a used one. (which is a story for another day)

One of the things I noticed quickly though is that it's really a "lean back device". It's great for reading rss and Twitter and Facebook. Is is what I spend the majority of my time doing in the evening on the couch. I'm nit sure how great it will be for actually doing anything but I will say I agree with jobs that the technology really gets out of the way and you can consume the media. Also the battery is all it's cracked up to be.

While I would have preferred to get an android device I don't think we'll see one until the end of the year or maybe first of 2011. Even then the apps will be far behind what the apple devs are doing. But there's no doubt that they will catch up and when they do I'm sure it will be time for the Jackson family to get a new tablet..

Only time will tell if the honeymoon phase wears off and I have buyers remorse. So far though its pert great

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