Sunday, August 22, 2010

Open mouth insert....never mind I deleted it

It's obvious that the "recall " message function in email systems have become useless in the world of blackberries and distributed systems if you say something you shouldn't that's too bad. Just like the real world you ju st have to apologize over and over if you screw up. The other day I received an offer via email that was an accident. The company spent the rest of the day doing damage control over the accidental email.

Enter the cloud and social. If I screw up there I just delete it. If I catch it soon enough maybe no one sees it. If I don't I can at least get rid of the "evidence" and limit the damage from others who might see it. Of course all this depends on s "closed" system and that I can trust the site to allow me to permanently expunge it from the record. I'm not saying this is good or bad but seems to be a difference in email vs other systems.

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