Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rolex or an app for your company

I really have to hand it to apple. They make technology both elegant and very usable. Almost too much so. People who love tech have seen the possibilities of the moblie internet for a long time but no matter how we tried to explain all execs could see is the utility of email on their very ugly blackberries. Enter apple with the iPhone so easy even a CEO can browse the Internet using it. Then along comes golf apps and other executive apps that are easy to install and use, suddenly everyone can see the "future" and the future is apps.

Now most technologists would say maybe just a nice moblie site will do. No we need an app. Why? Thie app is the new status artifact for the CEO. It says that my company is leading edge and here's a conversation starter let me show you our app. So while a good suit and a nice watch would have worked 10 years ago now to show that we mean business I'll need to show you my app.

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